Saturday, November 22, 2014


The last few weeks have been a bit of an emotional casserole as I prepared to leave one home and move on to another. There was the stress of finishing projects,  the boredom of having everything done and it still not being time to go, the sadness of leaving a family and community I love, excitement for a new adventure, anxiety of travelling across the country on public transportation with all my stuff all alone, jealousy of my friends going home... Rather than try to make any sense of it all, I think I'll just throw it all at you in a jumble kind of like it is in my head.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Visit Aarupata

Nepal is a land of incredible natural beauty and rich cultural diversity.  Whether you come for trekking or to visit the numerous world heritage sites, it will be well worth your while to set a few days aside to visit one of the rural villages.

Aarupata is a small village located in Syangja district in the mid-hills of western Nepal.  Until a few years ago, Aarupata was just another a typical rural village dominated by subsistence agriculture.  Women would often spend as much as 5 hours each day just carrying enough water to meet household needs.  Following the instillation of a solar-powered water lifting system, everything changed. Come see the innovations that have transformed this area.  Enjoy the magnificent views and experience the vibrant local culture.  Check out this video to learn a little more about the area and why you should come visit.

Aarupata's tourism industry is still very young and developing.  For the time being, feel free to contact me with any questions or to make reservations.